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Never Attended (NA) Policy

Mandatory Never Attended (NA) Reporting is an important College-monitored process that must be completed by all faculty for each section every term. Even if all students are present, faculty still need to complete and submit the NA report before the published deadline. Please refer to the Faculty Center Guide Edition 2  for detailed instructions on completing this process. 

After completion, please confirm NA completion on your schedule (see the image below as an example). If you don’t see this confirmation, please contact us before the reporting deadline has passed so we can assist. 

Never Attended (NA) Policy 

In order to be considered in attendance, Florida State College at Jacksonville requires that students demonstrate academic engagement within the first week of each class.

Extenuating circumstances (car problems, illness, etc.) may be considered as a replacement for physical presence, so long as there is documented engagement with the faculty member within the first week of class.

For Online (DL) Asynchronous Classes

  • Student must display academic engagement during the first week of a class.
    • Simply logging into an online class does not display academic engagement.
    • Academic engagement includes any documented engagement with course materials. Examples include but are not limited to:
      • Submission of an assignment or student acknowledgement of reviewing key course documents.
      • Taking an exam, completing an interactive tutorial, or participating in computer-assisted instruction.
      • Participation in an online discussion about academic matters.
      • Initiating contact with a faculty member to ask a question about the academic subject studied in the course.
    • Rationale: For asynchronous online classes, the federal government has taken the position that simply logging into an online class does not display academic engagement.

Course Evaluations

Students have the opportunity to evaluate their courses/instruction beginning the Friday before the last week of each session.  Evaluations close for student input after grades are submitted. Instructors can view evaluations after grades are submitted. 

Please encourage students to complete the evaluation, using the comments area to share feedback specific to the online experience. You can post a sharable guide in your Canvas classroom to guide students to the course evaluation.


The Faculty Center Guide Edition 1 provides detailed directions on submitting grades.  

Grade Change: Faculty can process a grade change at any time within a year of initial grade submission. The Faculty Center Guide Edition 2  provides information on how to process a grade change.  

Incomplete (I) Grade: The I Grade can be assigned at the instructor's discretion upon student request. To be eligible for an I grade, the following conditions must be met.

  • The student must be passing the course at the time of the request
  • At least 75% of coursework must be completed
  • The basis for the student’s “I” grade request must be non-academic in nature

Once it is determined that an I grade is appropriate, the instructor must complete the I Grade Contract, located in myFSCJ on the Faculty tab under Faculty Resources. The contract must be signed by the instructor, the student, and the supervising administrator.

The student may need to regain access to the course in Canvas in order to complete course work. Please refer to Re-opening a Course in Canvas for detailed instructions.

Academic Ingegrity

On March 5, 2020 Dr. John Woodward, Faculty Senate President, sent the following message to FSCJ Faculty.

"The FSCJ Faculty Senate unanimously approved this Academic Integrity Agreement and recommends its inclusion in all courses taught at FSCJ—whether as a handout, a form in Canvas, a quiz, or in any fashion the faculty member wishes to distribute it.

The framework was created by Dr. Laura Jeffries and was approved by the Academic Integrity Committee.

You will see the file and document should be modified to fit the specific requirements for your course, especially to include any punishments for plagiarism you as the faculty member or you and your colleagues in your discipline see fit.

In general, Senate is interested in addressing academic dishonesty at the institution and see this as a step towards developing robust responses to dishonesty and promoting an atmosphere of honest intellectual engagement with the academic and non-academic community."

Additional information on expectations for academic integrity can be found in the FSCJ Board Rules and Administrative Procedures Manual (APM), Student Academic Honesty Procedures.

Procedures for handling alleged academic dishonesty can be found in the appendix of the College Catalog

Adjunct Performance Evaluation

Florida State College at Jacksonville uses myIMPACT (Individually Measuring Performance and Achievement to Cultivate Talent) to conduct annual Adjunct Evaluations.

FSCJ Online will contact our Adjunct Faculty to let them know that a member of our staff will be taking a look at their online classrooms during the term. After that observation is complete, we'll set up a time to chat about the online teaching experience. 

The myIMPACT evaluation system evaluates adjunct instructors through four competencies.

  1. Accountability​ - Accepts responsibility and is accountable for achieving results​.

  2. Communication - Promotes clear listening, speaking, and writing skills to support the mission​.  This competency aligns with RSI Requirements.

  3. Job Knowledge - Demonstrates comprehensive and up to date knowledge of the job. Has the functional and technical knowledge and skills to perform at a high level of accomplishment​.

  4. Learner-Centered Teaching Strategy​ - Engages students and promotes learning by encouraging active participation​. This competency aligns with RSI Requirements.

In our observation we’ll also be looking for the following activities.

  • Weekly announcements
  • Personal response to student introductions
  • Participation in the discussion forums
  • Timely grading using rubrics and personalized feedback. This activity aligns with RSI Requirements.


PD 1896 QueST Quality e-Learning Strategies

All faculty teaching online must complete PD 1896 QueST Quality e-Learning Strategies.

The training is set up as a 6-week cohort in which participants will have the opportunity to work with a mentor, speaking to the mentor at least three times, and an Instructional Designer in order to design or redesign a course currently being taught to suit the asynchronous online modality. It is also for anyone using content from the Center for eLearning’s Master Course shells to better understand how to personalize the course and plan for rich student engagement and interactions.  

Most of the work is completed asynchronously in a Canvas course along with two required one-hour live sessions.

Please contact academy@fscj.edu  to join the next cohort.

Faculty Center Guides

The Faculty Center Guide Edition 1 provides instructions on the following topics. 

  • Viewing Class Schedule
  • Viewing Class Roster
  • Entering Grades

The Faculty Center Guide Edition 2 provides instructions on the following topics. 

  • Drop for Non-Attendance
  • Grade Change
  • Course Evaluations
  • F Grades & Last Date of Attendance

FSCJ Board Rules and Administrative Procedures Manual (APM)

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